Days 17 and 18

Hey guys sorry for the late posts my social calender has been in overdrive these last two days!

I must admit due to all my meeting and greetings with my friends and other half over the last two days I have definitely let myself down with the 30 day shred. Although I have done the 30 day shred today and yesterday I did not put my all into it!

But tomorrow is another day AND another level! Level 3 starts tomorrow and I am very excited. I know even when the 30 days are over I will carry on with this. I am going to do each level once a week to mix it up a bit and also hopefully get in one yoga workout and a jogging session but we will see how hectic my schedule is at University before I start writing that in stone! 🙂

As for my attitude and thoughts, they are doing OK at the moment. I still feel down every once and a while. You know not feeling good enough or thinking I am useless but I hope I can keep it under control as much as possible.

I am very excited for the weeks to come 🙂 lots to look forward too but also I should be happy for the now. I am a very lucky and fortunate person to have all the things I have in my life and I am trying to appreciate them.

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