Day 26 and 27

Hi everyone,

I hope you lot are having a great weekend 🙂

Right down to business. My thoughts and feelings have been a bit all over the place these last two days (sorry for no blog yesterday very busy!) one minute I feel on top of the world the next I feel odd! I am just trying to focus on the positive.

Speaking of positive I put a deposit down on a beautiful car yesterday 🙂 So excited! And very nervous about driving! As well as being nervous about starting Uni on Monday! I have so much to look forward to I feel like my life is fitting into place. I know I will have ups and downs but I am hoping I can cope I have over the last few weeks so I know I can do it 🙂

The workout yesterday was a struggle due to having a rather big/naughty lunch at Frankie and Bennys but today was great really enjoyed it!

Bring on tomorrow….. although I am off out parting tonight so I might eat my words tomorrow when I am worse for wear!

Have a great weekend 🙂

Day 24 and second times the charm!

Well everyone how can I start this post? 


I am over the moon and I have just finished 30 day shred workout! Not bad for all this before 12pm! As you can guess I am feeling very positive today and lets hope it stays for a good few weeks to come!

Next big adventure is University on Monday!

I would just like to thank all my followers for all their support it means the world to me 🙂

Thank you all!

Day 23 and a nervous one

Okays so the nerves are starting to kick in definitely! I mean not as much as my first test but they are definitely there I am trying to keep positive!

As for the workout! Well I struggled today to do it I just did not feel like it! Which was annoying but i did it and I am glad I did 🙂

I love the results and I cannot recommend this DVD enough the 30 day shred is all about focus it is not insanely intense that you just turn it off but it is hard and as long as you try your best you will see results 🙂

As for my thoughts. They have been okay. I have felt a bit down today but I have been turning them thoughts around. As much as I can anyway 🙂

Also for my other half and everyone else who is enjoying the game have fun on GTA! I don’t get it personally but each to their own!

Day 22 and a struggle

Well today we a struggle NOT for once with my thoughts and emotions for once I can say they are coming along quite nicely today has been positive and makes me think there is light at the end of the tunnel.

The workout however well! I completed day 22 but I do find level 3 really affects my hip which might have something to do with we not completing it this the beginning of the year. However I will stick to it I only have a few more days left (as I am only doing until Sunday the day before I start Uni then onto each level once a week) I will fight through and I know it will be worth it 🙂

I am also looking into new yoga DVD’s and starting to jog once a week like I used too.

I am just so excited for the weeks to come! My second driving test is Wednesday. I am very nervous but calm at the same time. I feel like whether I pass or fail I KNOW I will have tried my best 🙂 which is a very new step for me! if I fail I will be frustrated because I know I can drive but everything happens for a reason right? 🙂 And University this time next week I know this journey will change my life for the better I am so excited!

Day 21

Wow well what can I say? It has been 3 weeks already! It is strange as over the last 6 weeks I have been off the days have seemed to of gone so slow! Yet here we are and I only have 1 week left off until University. To say I am excited would be an understatement!

As for the 30 day shred. Today was a test for me. I really did not want to do the workout but I forced myself too and I feel much better for it 🙂

I have not missed a single day which is a big deal for me as I have tried this workout before and skipped many a days! But no not this time 🙂 and once it is over I know I will maintain doing it 3 times a week. The results speak for themselves. I don’t have a six pack or bums of steel but everything is so much more toned. My arms, my back, my stomach and bum. I am very please 🙂

As for thoughts? They will never go away but I am keeping a handle on them at the moment!

Day 20

Hi everyone,

Unfortunately I have nothing new to report today! Same old, same old 🙂 Just trying to contain my negative thoughts and plodding along with the workouts. I do like this 30 day shred but I am quite looking forward to doing each level once a week more. Just due to the fact that doing each workout once a week means I get a full range of workout on all my muscles as I will be doing a wider range of exercises instead of 1 set of exercises for 10 days 🙂

But until then well I will keep going with level 3!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend

Days 17 and 18

Hey guys sorry for the late posts my social calender has been in overdrive these last two days!

I must admit due to all my meeting and greetings with my friends and other half over the last two days I have definitely let myself down with the 30 day shred. Although I have done the 30 day shred today and yesterday I did not put my all into it!

But tomorrow is another day AND another level! Level 3 starts tomorrow and I am very excited. I know even when the 30 days are over I will carry on with this. I am going to do each level once a week to mix it up a bit and also hopefully get in one yoga workout and a jogging session but we will see how hectic my schedule is at University before I start writing that in stone! 🙂

As for my attitude and thoughts, they are doing OK at the moment. I still feel down every once and a while. You know not feeling good enough or thinking I am useless but I hope I can keep it under control as much as possible.

I am very excited for the weeks to come 🙂 lots to look forward too but also I should be happy for the now. I am a very lucky and fortunate person to have all the things I have in my life and I am trying to appreciate them.

Day 15 and a busy one indeed!

Hey everyone I am giving you all an early post due to my busy day!

I have already been to the dentist, food shopping, bought a laptop and done the 30 day shred!

I must say I have missed being busy 🙂 the reason for all this is that I am meeting a friend later and knew if I didn’t get the 30 day shred out of the way now I might not do it later and that is not going to happen 🙂 So now I have 3 hours to shower, wash hair, eat and get ready! Plenty of time I’m sure!

As for my thought’s they are still there but I am trying to counter act them with positive or neutral ones. This voice in my head won’t give up though 😦 but I will keep going keep trying to be strong and one day poof i will be strong it won’t be an act anymore. I am a realist I know the thoughts will always be there but I am hoping in time the voice will become smaller and less harsh. I really am my biggest critic!

Have a good day everyone 🙂 

Day 14 and the struggle continues

Well I am not 2 weeks in to the 30 day shred. Every single day have been hard work but I have not missed a day which I have never done before ( I tried the 30 day shred back in January but gave up after like 20 days) but I will not give up, it isn’t really getting much easier but it is working which is what counts 🙂

As for my thoughts and negativity. Today has been tough I have had a lot of thoughts but I have not let them bring me down too much. I know I am strong and have a lot to give. I will not let me negative thoughts make me feel worthless anymore!

So I could say today have been fine but lets be real. The thoughts are still there a bit louder today but I am coping 🙂 

So today have been a good day, a strong day and a proud one 🙂

Lets hope for many more. I have a feeling there will be 😉

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!

Day 13 and my lucky number!

Well as you can see from the title I am not one for convention I love the number 13! I love the fact other people thing it is unlucky and I love the fact I don’t 🙂

I have had rather a good day the workout was still very intense and I had to pause a few times but I am definitely improving and seeing the results so I am very pleased 🙂

I have had a little treat today ………well little is an understatement! I took inspiration from our friends from over the pond and made an ice cream sandwich ! You guys know how to make two things even more amazing! I had chocolate chip cookies with Ben and Jerry’s chocolate fudge brownie and you know what? It was just what I needed! I don’t even feel guilty which is new for me I am usually pulling my hair out screaming at myself in the mirror shouting ‘what have you done? Your going to gain 2 stone now!’ well you know what? I KNOW I am not going to gain that weight 🙂

I feel good today and strong. I went for a long walk and obviously did my workout. Exercise has been such a big part of my life for almost 6 years now the last 7 months of doing nothing not even a walk really affected me. I know it isn’t all of my problems I know I have my thoughts to sort out as well but I am just glad I have got thing sorted out 🙂

No going back! as for the negative thoughts? Screw you negativity I am pretty awesome 🙂 let’s hope I can keep this attitude up tomorrow 😉

Have a good Saturday everyone! Thanks for all your support!