Day 14 and the struggle continues

Well I am not 2 weeks in to the 30 day shred. Every single day have been hard work but I have not missed a day which I have never done before ( I tried the 30 day shred back in January but gave up after like 20 days) but I will not give up, it isn’t really getting much easier but it is working which is what counts 🙂

As for my thoughts and negativity. Today has been tough I have had a lot of thoughts but I have not let them bring me down too much. I know I am strong and have a lot to give. I will not let me negative thoughts make me feel worthless anymore!

So I could say today have been fine but lets be real. The thoughts are still there a bit louder today but I am coping 🙂 

So today have been a good day, a strong day and a proud one 🙂

Lets hope for many more. I have a feeling there will be 😉

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!


Okay it is not a huge problem. But I am playing with the thought of joining the 21st century and buying something quite expensive and tech no! 

I just cannot decide though. Should I buy it? I don’t need it. I just want it.

I want the ipod touch 5th generation 32gb. I know I am letting myself down but my ipod is getting on abit now and the battery is going. But can I justify buying it? I haven’t treated myself to something like this is absolute years.

I think I might wait a week and see how I feel.

If I feel the same then hell lets throw caution to the wind 🙂

I will keep you posted

The horrible truth

The thing with me is I do not like lying. Not unless completely necessary. I do however like to leave out certain information. Hey it is not lying if no one asked about it right?

Well I could say I am looking forward to my fast day and I have been so busy having a sun filled weekend (which I have) and that spending a whole weekend with my boyfriend has made me happier than I have been in a while. This would all be true…… however I could also mention that not only have I eaten my body weight in chocolate, cheese, carbs and well everything in between but I have also not done any exercise.

Shame on me 😦 I do not feel amazing when I read this back. I feel like I should be doing better. This is the start of my journey and I cannot stick to it! 

I need to just take a deep breath and know at least I am being honest with myself, and with you guys aswell. 

I just need to focus. Stop the excuses. But I tell you what these excuses are winning.

I promise my next entry will be a cheery one. Just give me this one depressing one please!