Some serious thought over my road trip weekend!

So this week has not been the most conventional for me.

I went to see my grandparents in Liverpool for the weekend it was as fun as always and the trip with my boyfriend and brother was, well as always filled with silences and radio changes!

Lately I have been feeling rather uncomfortable and having mild stomach pains. Not every day but I have had it twice this week and once last week. I believe I might be coming down with IBS which doesn’t surprised me as my mom has had this for many years.

I guess my slacking on the 5:2 diet is really taking it’s toll (only had one fast day this week) so I guess as well as fasting I need to watching my white bread and other carb consumption if not for my waist line then for my intestines! I guess it is a good thing really as these things aren’t good for you. But damn it those tummy upsets hurt sometimes 😦

I have not exercised for about 10 weeks now. Which to be honest is unheard of in my books. I have exercised at least twice a week for the last hmmmmm about 6-7 years? This is probably not helping my stomach either especially with easing digestion. So I will start. Slowly but surely from tomorrow.

I haven’t decided what I will do yet. 30 day shred dvd? yoga? Jog? Wii fit?  we shall see. But one thing is for sure.

I need to do something and get serious about this stuff!