
Lately I have been not happy.

I am happy to be leaving work, have a wonderful supportive boyfriend, great friends, roof over my head and to be starting Uni in less than 2 months.

Yet still. I am not happy. While I right this I am annoyed at myself that I am not happy due to the fact I am so lucky in life. 

To say I am happy with how I am would be a lie. The 5:2 diet is wonderful I love it but it is not making me happy. For some reason I thought it would.

I am starting to question everything in my life. My eating habits, my style, hair, face, body and my personality. It is shocking how unhappy I am with…. well with me.

I am really looking forward to to having a few weeks off. So I can re-connect with myself.

I will keep everyone posted.


Fasting is becoming a way of life :)

So I have been plodding along with the fasting diet some bad weeks, some OK weeks. This week I did my fast days yesterday and today in heats of 30 degrees Celsius! I am very proud of myself. It just seems so normal now.

I am going to do a third day on Thursday if I can get round to it 🙂

Loving this new way of life and I hope I can keep it up 🙂

good luck to everyone else out there doing it at the moment 😀 


The sad thing is with this title is, I used to be so healthy and active. However over the past 6-8 months nothing! Except walking which does nothing for me 😦

I used to jog, do yoga and hardcore exercise DVDs and at one point so help me, THE GYM!

But now I have become a coach potato and the thought of doing hardcore workouts breaks me out in a sweat!

I think I have finally got the 5:2 diet under raps now and think it is time to focus on this area instead now. So I will start slow. More alot more, walking and some stretching exercises.

Then maybe a little yoga here or a jog there. Built it up. Then hopefully I will get a pattern going and be doing at least 30 minutes a day like a used too 🙂

We shall see how it goes but I must try because I know how effective exercise is on your life, mood and self worth 🙂

Some serious thought over my road trip weekend!

So this week has not been the most conventional for me.

I went to see my grandparents in Liverpool for the weekend it was as fun as always and the trip with my boyfriend and brother was, well as always filled with silences and radio changes!

Lately I have been feeling rather uncomfortable and having mild stomach pains. Not every day but I have had it twice this week and once last week. I believe I might be coming down with IBS which doesn’t surprised me as my mom has had this for many years.

I guess my slacking on the 5:2 diet is really taking it’s toll (only had one fast day this week) so I guess as well as fasting I need to watching my white bread and other carb consumption if not for my waist line then for my intestines! I guess it is a good thing really as these things aren’t good for you. But damn it those tummy upsets hurt sometimes 😦

I have not exercised for about 10 weeks now. Which to be honest is unheard of in my books. I have exercised at least twice a week for the last hmmmmm about 6-7 years? This is probably not helping my stomach either especially with easing digestion. So I will start. Slowly but surely from tomorrow.

I haven’t decided what I will do yet. 30 day shred dvd? yoga? Jog? Wii fit?  we shall see. But one thing is for sure.

I need to do something and get serious about this stuff!

Hello Monday, hello weight, hello lost control

Where do I start?

I am in a rut. Completely and totally stuck. My fast days are amazing I like them now. My problem is the other days. I am eating way more that I ever used too. It is scaring me. Discouraging me from carrying on this diet. My weight is the same but I do not like this me. The one who eats way too much all at once. And always the bad foods I feel so out of control.

I am going to really really focus on my eating I will try my very hardest. I know it will be a struggle and I need to stop being lazy about this. My head is in the wrong place and I need to get it back in the right place. It is going to be a long process, I can feel it.

Please wish me luck I am going to need it. More than ever. 

Struggle and plans for the future!

I must say I really struggled with my fast day yesterday 😦

I found it mentally draining and the weird thing was I could control the physical pains, however my work colleague was celebrating her birthday with chocolates and it made my extremely upset and deprived. I could not stop thinking about food.

I am hoping this will get better I think it might be the post excitement dip that I am experiencing. But I am trying to keep focuses!

And also plan for the future. I love making lists and plans because it makes me feel very secure. So I am making a scrap book tomorrow full of all my favorite recipes, crafts and other techniques for things I enjoy!  I am very excited 😀

Roll on the weekend that’s all I can say

And even though I still cannot stop thinking about food lets just hope I make it through next weeks fast days!

Fast day 5

It has finally became like a way of life! Day 6 tomorrow. So I have decided not to post anymore about the fast unless I come across a hiccup or just want to share my success in the coming weeks. So maybe you will hear about my day 21 or 73! But not everyone anymore 🙂

Will leave my blog for it’s main purpose. My guide into finding my true happiness and passions.

I will upload my ever growing scarf collection soon 🙂

so until next time…..

4th fast day completed

I am in complete shock! It just shows you how your body can adapt 🙂

I have almost completed my 4th day 🙂 I don’t see any difference in my looks (although I have over indulged that last two weeks on my non fast days so I cannot be surprised really!) but as people have said it is true I feel lighter! I am not going to pretend I have not felt hungry or daydreamed about a nice chocolate chips cookie because I have but I have survived and I am happier for it.

I am hoping within the next few weeks my non fast days will get better as I become more focused. But the fast days are easier which are a god send. I am really enjoying it 😉 and recommending it to everyone. Some people think I am mad but I have never been one to listen to other peoples opinions which I think is important if you are to keep focused 🙂

So here is to a new lease of life! Hopefully for good!

Wish me even more luck!




Okays, yesterday morning I felt awful after my second day of fasting. I felt sick, weak and generally unwell.

It has really put a damper on this experience but I will try again next week I promise. I think I will just have to eat something small (very small!) during the day just to keep me going. Hopefully this will make a difference. If it doesn’t after the 4 – 6 fast day I think my friends I will have to call it quits. I was/am really excited to improve my memory and health but not if for 4 days out of the week (the fast day and day after) I feel awful. Sorry that is not for me! I like being energetic and happy thank you!

So we shall see it is early days yet. I think maybe I came on abit strong. Maybe I need to ease my body into it and not just stop eating completely for 12 hours right off the bat. Yes it may work for some but not for me at the moment.

As most people say. Only time will tell.

I will update soon 🙂

Also having a wonderful time re-uniting with all my essential oils and herbs to make relaxing baths, hair treatments and face treatment. Feeling very chipper at the moment 🙂

Speak soon everyone!

I have almost finished day 2 of fasting! Go me!

Okays where do I start?

So as I have mentioned before I have decided to go on the 5:2 diet. I don’t know if it works or if the health benefits in the long run will be amazing or not but you know what? You won’t know until you try!

So I started Monday my first fast day and as it was bank holiday I didn’t have to worry about work 🙂 I got up early and decided to do some yoga then I had a small meal within my calorie range and then that was it! I decided that I would try and go as long as I thought possible for me for that day, so I put a target of 12 hours. I didn’t even have to stay in bed all day which surprised me I went to town, came home and just got on with my day 🙂 Do not get me wrong it wasn’t a walk in the park but I survived until 7pm (which was when the 12 hours where up) I was so proud. Yes I was hungry and my stomach hated me but I didn’t feel like I was dying 🙂

I must say though the next morning I felt a bit odd/queezy. But I guess that is to be expected  I mean it is the first time I have gone that long without food for ages! I think i ate normally, don’t over eat that I was aware of, but to be honest I am not really calorie counting on other days as I have never had trouble with meals and things. I mean sometimes I eat a whole big choc bar or a bag of crisps but it’s not everyday!

I decided to do my second fast today and I must admit it was ALOT harder. I had my breakfast at 7am then off to work I went (please bare in mind I walk part my way to work 25 mins there and then back at the end of the day). I had alot of concerned colleague convinced I have gone mad! But I held back I didn’t let them tempt me to eat. I did feel very weak towards the end of my working day so I did have an apple *sigh* but I guess we live and learn? I think during my working week a piece of fruit or veg is going to be needed to keep me going.

So now I have had my dinner and I am writing this. I feel fine to be honest right now. I am hoping it all get’s a tad easier but we will have to see. It is early days yet!

I do love knowing how long I can actually go without food. It surprises me every time. I am alot stronger than I thought.

So I can eat normal now until next week. Lets see where the fast takes me then……